Media in Learning

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A.     Definition of media
MEDIA, is the support programs for the European audiovisual industry, it continues to support the development and distribution of thousands of films as well as training activities or Media is a tool that gets character to channel order and gets to stimulate think, feel and protege willingness so gets to push its happening processes studying on her.
Types of Media:
1.    Media print technology results
print technology is a way to produce or deliver materials, such as books and static visual materials primarily through photographic. Print technology media group results include: text, graphics, photographs or photographic representation.
Characteristics of the printed media:
a. Texts be read in a linear fashion
b. Display a single communication direction and receptive
c. Displays a static or stationary
d. Pthe development highly dependent on the principles of the discussion
e. Oriented or student-centered.
The approach is student-oriented approach to learning that focused on the characteristics and     needs of individual students. Medium educational institutions and teachers to function and act as support only. System-oriented approach to this student designed in such a arts. So that students can learning with a flexible system that is directed so that students can form each learning style. In this case teachers and institutions act as a supporting, facilitating and encouragement to students who are learning.
f. Information can be arranged or rearranged by the user.
2.    Media results of audio-visual technology
Audi-visual technology how to submit material using mechanical machines and electronic messages to present the audio-visual, presentation of audio-visual teaching is clearly characterized by the use of hardware during the learning process, such as, machine film projector, tape recorder, a wide visual projector.
3.    Media Technology Computer-Based Results
Computer-based technology is a way to produce or deliver materials by using the resources of microprocessor-based. The difference between medium generated by koputer-based technology with the two other technologies is that information / material is stored in digital form, not in print or visual. Various types of computer-based technology applications in teaching is generally known as Computer Assisted Instruction (computer aided instruction). Applications include drills and practice (exercises to help students master the material that has been studied previously), tutorial (step by step presentation of the subject matter), games and simulations (practice applying new knowledge and skills learned).
4.    The Media Results Combined Print and Computer Technology.
Technology combined result is a way to produce and deliver materials that combine the use of some form of computer-controlled media. Learning media that will be made
​​in this paper is a computer-based instructional media.

Media Visual or graphic media is a media related with visualization. This media will assist teachers of physical education. Various visual media that can be use for physical education teachers among others are picture, photo, sketch, chart, cartoon, and poster. The suitable media for elementary school is pictures and photos; nevertheless other graphic media is also can be use.
Before make use of visual or graphic media, physical education teachers. Make assessment of the learning needs in elementary school and understand well the technique and how to use the media.
There are two visual’s media:
a)      Media that doesn't be projected
1.      Media realia is real object
2.      Model
3.      Categorized graphic media visual's media that channels to order through visual's symbols.
b)      Projection media
1.      Transparency media peripheral covers software (Overhead transparency / OHT)
2.      Film edges / slide be transparent film

B.     Advantages and disadvantages of media
Useful guidelines to consider when designing visual aids include:
1. Use graphs to highlight a comparison.
2. Use line charts to highlight a trend.
3. Keep the visual device clear – avoid unnecessary clutter.
4. Use meaningful titles to avoid ambiguity.
5. Use colors carefully – thy must be clear under all lighting conditions
Media benefit in common is
1.      Clarifying representation send away for that not very gets verbalize character( in morphology)
2.      Settling spatial limitation, inderawi's time and energy, as object that oversized, little object, power that over slows or untimely, happening instance past, object that over complexes, or concept that over extends.
3.      Settling proteges passive attitude with media purpose in point and varying.
Giving same simulative, likening experience, evoking same perception between protege, since the difference teacher and student background that variably begets is hard equal protege perception hits a concept otherwise to utilize education media.
There are several disadvantages associated. The media makes us:
·         Lazy, as human beings became addicted to the media sources available they can spare less and less time for outings and exercise;
·         Prone to be influenced by commercial messages;
·         Influenced to such an extent that a person ends up making a wrong decision e.g while buying a bar of soap one might be influenced by ads on the mass media;
·         Have access to too much information which might lead to information overload;
·         Agree on the view points of the ones in power because of the manipulative messages that they publish in the media;
·         Cause panic among public; and Lead us to wrong perception that is what view point is given

C.     Media makings requisites
1. Educative requisite
a.    Media and studying source is adjusted with notices program education activity (program prevailing education)
b.    Media and studying source that makes to be adjusted by didactic methodical its mean can help education activity success pushing activity and child creativity and accords ably( Childs formative phase)
2. Technical requisite
a.    Media is designed in one's line, medium function (don't evoke concept fault) example in make accuracy building log form and accurate measure absolute being accomplished since if its measure wide of the mark will evoke concept fault
b.    Media ought to multigame despite for specific-purpose not close pretty much is utilized for the purpose the other development
c.    Media is made by use of material which is easily to be gotten at environmentally surrounding, a bargain or ex material even if
d.    Safe media and not contain element that jeopardizes child e.g. sharp, toxic etc.
e.    Media ought to preserves, heavy duty and long-lasting( although effective regular changed weather
f.      Easy media in using up, adding child joy for get experiment and gets exploration
g.    Media can utilize individual's ala, group and classical
3.  Aesthetic requisite
a. Elastic form, demulcent so portable child
b. Size aptitude (not very major or minor)

c. Convenient color combine and pulling

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