sahabat.. seperti apa sebenarnya arti sahabat??
apa yang kulakukan dan ketulusanku seakan tiadalah arti..
kenapa bisa seperti itu??

membutuhkan dan saling membutuhkan
it's really??
atau hanya sekedar memanfaatkan semata?
aku seperti seorang sahabat yang hanya bisa dimanfaatkan oleh sahabatnya..
disaat dekat, aku hanya dibutuhkan,,
sedangkan jauh, apa aku masih dibutuhkan??
ingatpun kalian tidak...

semakin dewasa seseorang dan tinggi pendidikan kalian,,
kenapa justru membuat kalian semakin menyepelekan oranglain
dan sahabatmu sendiri

sekarang aku hanyalah seorang sahabat buat diriku sendiri..
Dimasa remaja adalah masa yang indah untuk dijalani, apalagi disaat masa- masa sekolah SMA. di masa itu dimana kejadian apapun tidak akan terlupa. masa SMA juga awal aku menjalin hubungan cinta dengannya. namanya Nofi Rosani. namanya seperti cewek sih, panggilannya SANI tapi orangnya lumayan ganteng loh *hehehe .. ini nih penampakannya waktu SMA :D
dulu banyak yang bilang dia mirip Ariel peterpan .. aku waktu itu sih sempet ndak percaya.. teman-teman geng gongku banyak yang membicarakannya.. maklum dia anak band juga..lama kelamaan, aku justru diam-diam sering memperhatikannya. awalnya aku sebel dan benci tuh sama dia, karena anaknya pendiam tapi nyebelin deh.. blagu banget,, nakal lagi anaknya, suka bolos. pernah aku dikelas eh dia tuh bilang masa cewek mantan pondok, suka bolos dan dihukum.. aku sempet marah waktu itu dengan perkataannya.. emang bener seh ,, aku SMPnya tuh nyantren, jadi maklum ajah g pantes juga kelakuan aku hehhe..*jangan ditiru dah..  nah waktu itu ada pentas seni disekolahku.. kebetulan band dia itu tampil. nama bandnya itu "Kiss Blues" dia seorang gitarist.. nah teman-teman geng aku tuh ngajakin nonton terus yang ndak aku suka itu,, teman-temanku itu lebay banget, pake acara teriak-teriak manggil-mangil nama sani, sani sani.. hadeh ndak mutu banget kan .. memalukan.. waktu itu aku memang benci banget tuh ma orang.. teman-temanku itu rata-rata ngidolakan dia. singkat cerita.. aku dan teman-teman kalau saatnya istirahat belajar, pasti kita nongkrongnya didepan kelas, jadi setiap dia datang kedepan kelasku terus menghampiri kita. aku selalu pergi., dan memutuskan untuk tidak ikut gabung.. nah setiap hari aku seperti itu. dan dia menanyakan kenapa aku selalu menjauh saat dia datang. dia justru penasaran kenapa aku bisa seperti itu. lama kelamaan perasaan tidak suka aku sama dia, menjadi aneh rasanya hehee.. dia selalu mencoba mendekati, baik sama aku. teman0temanku juga sering mengadakan acara kumpul-kumpul, buka bersama dan nginep ditempat temanku untuk acara bakaran ayam.. mereka mempunyai rencana, biar aku bisa akrab sama dia.. banyak kejadian konyol waktu SMA.. tapi aku bingung ceritanya. nanti ndak selesai-selesai ^^ .

pada bulan februari, hari itu pas banget hari valentine.. sani ngasih aku coklat tapi dia nitipin coklatnya sma temenku,, dia katanya ndak berani ngasih sama aku.. aku kaget ko bisa dia ngasih coklat sama aku. yang aku tau dia lagi deket sma temanku.. makanya aku heran.. hmmm namanya aku ndak suka n negatif thinking .. yaa aku pkir dia playboy hehe.. eh ternyata dia dekat sama temanku cuma mau tau informasi tentang aku. 
yaa lama kelamaan dia menyatakan cinta sama aku.. di waktu yang sama aku itu cewek yang termasuk banyak yang deketin waktu itu.. saat dia pengin jadi pacarku.. aku bingung, tapi aku akhirnya menerima cinta dia. aku berpikir " aku pengin merubah dia menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi, tidak nakal" .. 

gaya pacaran aku sama dia itu lucuu banget dah,, banyak diamnya, maklum ajah aku keluaran pondok, ndak pernah namanya pacaran pada zaman itu. kalau mau ketemu saja, aku ajak teman-teman geng aku.. yaa pacaran aku sekedar ketemu didepan kelas, bermain sama teman-temanku. dia tidak banyak bicara karena dia ingin mengimbangi cara aku bicara. dia juga tidak rese kaya orang yang aku kenal. dia menghormati aku karna aku keluaran santri.. aku senang dia bisa menghargai aku. lama kelamaan karna sifat dia yang kalem aku jadi semakin sayang sama dia.. 

aku jadian sama dia semenjak kelas 2 semster akhir, kenaikan kelas 3. banyak liku-liku masalah datang dihubungan kita.. mungkin karna kita sama-sama tidak banyak bicara. *kurang komunikasi*. lama kelamaan dia mulai terbuka curhat masalah keluarga dan teman-temannya.. karena dia menurutku kurang perhatian dari keluarga sejak kecil.. aku justru semakin kasian.. aku selalu mengarahkan dia untuk berbuat baik. jangan nakal dan jangan membenci keluarganya.. 

saat saya lulusan SMA,, banyak teman-temanku atau orang lain pasti merayakan kelulusan bareng pacarnya.. tapi saya tidak, saya lebih memilih merayakan sama teman-teman gengku.. sebenernya sedih sih.. tapi dia menerima saja.. 

setelah lulusan aku kerja di toko sebagai kasir, hubungan aku masih berjalan sama dia..
hubungan aku sama dia tidak direstui sama orang tuaku karena dia masih belum mapan.. katanya saya mau dikasih makan apa.. saya sering minta putus sama dia, buat kebaikan dia. aku takut dia sakit hati sama keluargaku.. tapi dia selalu tidak mau.. meski kita dekat tapi kita jarang ketemu semenjak lulusan SMA.. kita hanya bisa ngejalin hubungan lewat telp dan sms.. setelah setaun aku bekerja jadi kasir aku memutuskan keluar dan memutuskan untuk melanjutkan kuliah, berharap saya tidak kepikiran masalah tentang hubungan aku sama dia. dia juga pergi ke jakarta untuk merantau mencari rejeki. 

setelah aku kuliah, hubungan aku masih berlanjut sama sani, tapi kita backstreet. tapi orang tua sebenarnya tau kalau aku masih ngejalin hubungan, tapi diam saja. lama kelamaan aku ditekan sama keluargaku. dan hubungan aku sama dia pun menjadi tidak harmonis.. aku memutuskan untuk berpisah sama dia. dia tidak mau berpisah sama aku. dia ngejalin hubungan sama aku dari dulu tulus dan serius.. akhirnya hubungan yang dijalin selama 3taun kandas begitu saja... 

setelah kita putus, aku sakit selama sebulan, kemudian no hp pun aku ganti, fb dia aku blokir.. sebenrnya aku tidak bisa melupakan dia selama 1 taun. dan aku jomblo selama setaun.. kemudian aku berpikir kalau memang dia jodohku pasti tidak akan kemana. aku mulai move on,, banyak cowok yang deket sama aku tapi aku ndak bisa membuka diri buat orang lain. akhirnya aku mengenal cwok berinisial "R"  dan kemudian aku berpacaran tapi kita LDR, karena dia kerja dikalimantan (pertambngan). aku menjalin hubungan serius meskipun hati masih terasa berat, aku mencoba untuk terus membuka hati buat dia.. aku mengenalkan dia sama orang tuaku, dan orangtuaku senang sekali, dan akupun sudah mengenal keluarga R. tapi hubunganku diusia 2 bulan. dia berubah, dia mulai agresif dan memnta macem-macem kalau dia ketemu sama aku.. tapi aku menolak. dan R dibilangin sama keluargaku "kamu mau serius tidak sama anakku" tapi dia tidak menjawab dan malah bilang ke aku " ko keluargamu bilang gtu, aku kan pengin ngejalani hubungan ini" aku jadi sadar kalau dia hanya main-main denganku.. semenjak itu dia berubah. kita jarang komunikasi. tapi aku tdak percaya dia justru menjalin hubungan dengan teman satu kostku sendiri.. akhirnya aku tau dan aku memilih untuk putus dengan dia. dia menerima saja tapi kemudian beberapa hari kemudian dia meminta balikan dan aku tidak mau, meskipun dia memohon-mohon.

sebenernya selama aku menjalin hubungan dengan R, temannya sani selalu menghubungiku cuma sekedar mennyakan kabar,, aku tau sebenernya dia disruh sma sani.. suatu hari ada xmx dari sani bilang " kalau kamu ada apa-apa, beritahu aku. aku akan siap membantumu dan semoga kamu bahagia" aku menangis membaca pesan itu.. rasa sayang dia begitu besar sama aku. 

kejadian yang menimpaku yang dikhianati sma R, membuatku berpkir ini hukum karma yang harus aku dapatkan karena sudah menyia2kan orang yg bner-benr sayang sma aku. suatu hari aku menghubungi sani, nanya kabar.. semenjak itu kita jadi dekat lagi.. berbulan-bulan kita ngejalin komunikasi lagi..

dan pas ulang taunku, kita ketemu.. sebenernya aku takut dan ndak sanggup kalau harus bertemu dia lagi.. aku takut jatuh cinta kedua kalinya sama dia.. bener juga aku jatuh cinta lagi sma dia, karena kasih sayangnya sma aku.. akhirnya kita menjalin hubungan sama aku lagi..

dan tragedipun datang lagi.. orangtuaku tau aku sudah putus sama R,, aku dimarahin dan mengangap aku yang merusak hubunganku sma R. dan beberapa bulan kemudian orangtuaku tau aku berpacaran lagi sama sani.. dan marah-marah, tapi sani selalu baik-baikin keluargaku.. dia sering main, meski keluargaku tidak welcome.. aku meminta bantuan padheku buat bilang sma orangtuaku untuk menerima sani. akhirnya orangtua mau menerima sani. sani akhirnya melamarku. aku dan sani pun akhirnya bertunangan. 

mudah-mudahan taun depan kita bisa menikah, ditaun 2015 , sekarang aku menemukan cinta sejatiku sejak dlu telah lama hilang.. kalau Allah berkehendak seseorang berjodoh, meski dihadang badai apapun, pasti akan bertemu lagi" 

terima kasih kamu sudah mengguku sekian lama dan berjuang demi cinta kita.. semoga Allah memperstukannya dipelaminan . Amin
I love you so much ....
               Yesasta forevermore......
I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
Through so many smiles,
And even more tears.
- See more at:
I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
Through so many smiles,
And even more tears.
- See more at:
You bring me laughter when I'm down,
Always there to lift my frown...
You hold me tight when I'm cold,
You'll stand by me till I grow old...
Loving me like no other,
Gentle and sweet just like a mother...

Your love is pure forever true,
Inside my heart is a place for you...
The touch of your lips against my skin,
Softness so smooth brushing along my chin...
Words of compassion forever sweet,
How ever was I so lucky to have meet...
- See more at:
You bring me laughter when I'm down,
Always there to lift my frown...
You hold me tight when I'm cold,
You'll stand by me till I grow old...
Loving me like no other,
Gentle and sweet just like a mother...

Your love is pure forever true,
Inside my heart is a place for you...
The touch of your lips against my skin,
Softness so smooth brushing along my chin...
Words of compassion forever sweet,
How ever was I so lucky to have meet...

- See more at:

Drama korea terbaru 2014

drama ini masih ditayangkan dikorea,, drama ini adalah drama yang sedang aku tonton....
recommended banget deh buat ditonton ^^ ini seulas profilnya


  • Drama: Hi! Sekolah - Love On
  • Revisi romanisasi: Haiseukool - Reobeuon
  • Hangul: 하이 스쿨 - 러브 온
  • Direktur: Sung Joon-Hae
  • Penulis: Lee Jae-Yeon
  • Jaringan: KBS2
  • Episode: 20
  • Release Date: 11 Juli - November 21, 2014
  • Runtime: Fridays 20: 55-21: 50
  • Bahasa: Korean
  • Negara: Korea Selatan



Siswa SMA melalui cinta dan jatuh tempo sebagai malaikat menjadi manusia untuk menyelamatkan seorang siswa SMA laki-laki.


  1. Membaca naskah pertama berlangsung 13 Mei 2014 di gedung KBS baru di Yeouido, Seoul, Korea Selatan.


Hi! Sekolah - Cinta On-Nam Woo-Hyun.jpg Hi! Sekolah - Cinta On-Kim Sae-Ron.jpg Hi! Sekolah - Cinta On-Lee Sung-Yeol.jpg
Nam Woo-Hyun Kim Sae-Ron Lee Sung-Yeol
Shin Woo-Hyun Lee Seul Bi- Hwang Sung-Yeol
Anggota Cast Tambahan:
A.   Stage
In theatre, the stage (sometimes referred to as the deck in stagecraft) is a designated space for the performance of theatrical productions. The stage serves as a space for actors or performers and a focal point for the members of the audience. As an architectural feature, the stage may consist of a platform (often raised) or series of platforms. In some cases, these may be temporary or adjustable but in theaters and other buildings devoted to such productions, the stage is often a permanent feature. Stage is a designated space for the performance of theatrical productions. The stage serves as a space for actors or performers and a focal point for the members of the audience.
There are several types of stages that vary as to the usage and the relation of the audience to them.
1.      The proscenium stage.
In this type is the most common form found in the West, the audience is located on one side of the stage with the remaining sides hidden and used by the performers and technicians. The audience directly faces the stage—which is typically raised several feet above front row audience level—and views only one side of the scene. Since the Italian Renaissance, the most common stage used in the West has been the proscenium stage which may also be referred to as a picture frame stage. The primary feature is a large opening known as the proscenium arch through which the audience views the performance. The audience directly faces the stage—which is typically raised several feet above front row audience level—and views only one side of the scene. This one side is commonly known as the invisible fourth wall of the scene. The proscenium arch evolved from the proskenium in Ancient Greek theatres. This was the space in front of the skênê or backdrop where the actors actually played.
The first indoor theatres were created in French tennis courts and Italian Renaissance palaces where the newly-embraced principles of perspective allowed designers to create stunning vistas with buildings and trees decreasing in size toward a "vanishing point" on the horizon. Stage floors were raked upward slightly from front to back in order to contribute to the perspective illusion and also to make actors more visible to audiences, who were seated on level floors. Subsequently, audience seating was raked, and balconies were added to give audiences a fuller view. By the end of the 19th century most stages had level floors, and much of the audience looked down on, rather than up to, the stage.
Advantages of the proscenium stage:
a.       The numerous advantages of the proscenium stage have led to its popularity in the West.
b.      Many theatrical properties and scenery may be utilized. Backdrops, curtains and lighting can be used to greater effect without risk of rigging being visible to the audience.
c.       Entrances and exits can be made more graceful; surprise becomes possible.
d.      The actors only have to concentrate on playing to the audience in one direction.

2.      Thrust stages.
May be similar to proscenium stages but with a platform or performance area that extends into the audience space so that the audience is located on three sides. A thrust stage is one that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage area by its up stage end. A thrust has the benefit of greater intimacy between the audience and performers than a proscenium, while retaining the utility of a backstage area. Entrances onto a thrust are most readily made from backstage, although some theatres provide for performers to enter through the audience using vomitory entrances. An arena, exposed on all sides to the audience, is without a backstage and relies entirely on entrances in the house or from under the stage.
As with an arena, the audience in a thrust stage theatre may view the stage from three or more sides. If a performance employs the fourth wall, that imaginary wall must be maintained on multiple sides. Because the audience can view the performance from a variety of perspectives, it is usual for the blocking, props and scenery to receive thorough consideration to ensure that no perspective is blocked from view. A high backed chair, for instance, when placed stage-right, could create a blind spot in the stage left action.
Advantages of thrust of stage 
A thrust has the benefit of greater intimacy between the audience and performers than a proscenium, while retaining the utility of a backstage area.
3.      Stage or theatre in the round.
The audience is located on all four sides of the stage. The fourth type of stage incorporates created and found stages which may be constructed specifically for a performance or may involve a space that is adapted as a stage. This method of stage design consists of a stage situated in the centre of the theatre, with the audience facing it from all sides. The audience is placed quite close to the action which provokes a feeling of intimacy and involvement.

             Disadvantages of in the round stage
a.       Scenery that does not obscure actors and the rest of the stage from parts of the audience.
b.      Backdrops and curtains cannot be used, thus the director must find other ways to set the scene
c.       The actors need to ensure that they do not have their backs turned to any part of the audience for long periods of time, in order to be seen and heard clearly.
4.      Black Box.

Now this one is interesting. The venue where the performance is held is literally rectangular shaped and painted in black. It's really like entering a giant black box! There are no fixed seating. That means you configure the audience according to the stage set up. The ONLY Black Box that I know of and have been there is The Actors Studio. 
Stage or pulpit gets to refer to:       
a.       Bandstand (theatre), hall for fashioned theatrical production
b.      Theatre, art branch parades, often at conceive of bandstand
c.       Bandstand (sport), structure for seat to stop the show in sporting contest, usually races
d.      Bandstand (politics), pulpit for member  delegation passes on its view before one general election
e.       Reviewing stand, pulpit to raise something in distance near upstairs its vicinity
B.   Costume
The term costume can refer to wardrobe and dress in general, or to the distinctive style of dress of a particular people, class, or period. Costume may also refer to the artistic arrangement of accessories in a picture, statue, poem, or play, appropriate to the time, place, or other circumstances represented or described, or to a particular style of clothing worn to portray the wearer as a character or type of character other than their regular persona at a social event such as a masquerade, a fancy dress party or in an artistic theatrical performance.
Costume categories:
1.      Theatrical costume.
One of the more prominent places people see costumes is in theatre, film and on television. In combination with other aspects, theatrical costumes can help actors portray characters' age, gender role, profession, social class, personality, ethnicity, and even information about the historical period/era, geographic location and time of day, as well as the season or weather of the theatrical performance. Often, stylized theatrical costumes can exaggerate some aspect of a character; for example Harlequin and Pantaloon in the Commedia dell'arte.
2.      National costume.
National costume or regional costume expresses local (or exiled) identity and emphasises a culture's unique attributes. It is often a source of national pride. Examples of such are a Scotsman in a kilt or a Japanese person in a kimono.
3.      Holidays and festivals.
The wearing of costumes has become an important part of such holidays and festivals as Mardi Gras and Halloween (see Halloween costume for more information), and (to a lesser extent) people may also wear costumes in conjunction with other holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. Mardi Gras costumes usually take the form of jesters and other fantasy characters, while Halloween costumes traditionally take the form of supernatural creatures such as ghosts, vampires, pop culture icons and angels. Christmas and Easter costumes typically portray mythical characters such as Santa Claus (by donning a santa suit and beard) or the Easter Bunny by putting on an animal costume. Costumes may serve to portray various other characters during secular holidays, such as an Uncle Sam costume worn on the Independence day for example.
In Judaism, a common practice is to dress up on Purim. The Jews celebrate the change of their destiny. They were delivered from being the victims of an evil decree against them and were instead allowed by the King to destroy their enemies. A quote from the Book of Esther, which says: "On the contrary” is the reason that wearing a costume has become so popular among the Jews on this holiday.
4.      Children costume. 
               Costumes also serve as an avenue for children to explore and roleplay. Children can dress up in various forms; for example characters from history or fiction like pirates, princesses or cowboys, common jobs like nurses or police officers, or animals such as those seen in zoos or farms.